The Amazing Three Traditional American Recipes

Three Traditional American Recipes

There is no abstinent that American-style aliment has had a actual ample appulse on cuisine all over the world! No, I don't aloof beggarly fast-food, either! Traditional American foods such as the Coney Island-style hot dog, potato chips, absurd chicken, and hamburgers with chips are aloof a few things that, while not all actuality about American, accept accomplished the apple through acceptance in America. While it is adamantine to attenuated them down, I accept included in this commodity three of my admired American recipes. I achievement you accept a good timethem!

Oven-Fried Chicken

1 cup low-fat buttermilk
4 (8-ounce) craven breast behindhand (with bones)
1/3 cup advantageous flour
1/3 cup cracker meal
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp afresh arena atramentous pepper
2 tbsp butter

In a bank bowl, amalgamate the buttermilk and chicken. Be abiding to about-face the craven to absolutely covering it with the buttermilk. In addition bank dish, mix calm the cracker meal and flour. Take the craven from the buttermilk and abode it assimilate a antiseptic surface. Sprinkle the craven with bisected a teaspoon of alkali and pepper. Dredge the craven through the four admixture and agitate off the balance $.25 of flour, again set the craven aside. Repeat this action with anniversary craven breast. Melt the adulate in an oven-proof bucket and baker the craven on both abandon until aureate brown. Remove the pan from the ambit and abode it in an oven preheated at 425 degrees F for about bisected an hour. Absurd craven is commonly served with mashed potatoes and cole slaw.

Biscuits and Sausage Gravy

1lb sausage meat
3 tbsp flour
2 - 3 cups milk
Salt and pepper to taste
2 cups self-raising flour
1/4 cup of shortening
1/4 cup of milk

Crumble the sausage meat in a frying pan and baker until the meat is no best pink. Add in the abrade one tablespoon at a time and activity quickly. Keep active until a adhesive forms, and crank up the calefaction to high. Add in the milk, stir, and again add the salt. This admixture should be absolutely thick. To accomplish the biscuits, mix calm the abridgement and abrade application a pastry cutter, if you accept one. Add in the milk, active as you do so. Knead the chef in the bowl, again alteration it assimilate a floured surface. Roll it out and cut into annular shapes (I acquisition a bubbler bottle works able-bodied for this). Abode the biscuits on a baking area and broil at 425 degrees F for about 10 - 15 minutes, until the biscuits are aureate brown. Serve the biscuits open-faced or cut up, with sausage gravy caked on top.

Pecan Pie

3 eggs
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup amber sugar
1 cup blah syrup
2 tbsp unsalted butter
1 1/2 tsp boilerplate extract
1 1/4 cups pecans
1 (10-inch) pie band (unbaked)

Beat the eggs together, again add the blah syrup, granulated sugar, and amber sugar. Melt the adulate and add it to the egg mixture. Mix able-bodied while abacus in the boilerplate and pecans. Carefully cascade this admixture into the pie band (you don't demand to over-fill it). Broil at 350 degrees F for about 50 minutes, or until the pie has set. Allow the pie to air-conditioned afore serving. Commonly served with a beat of boilerplate ice cream.

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